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Forbind Corpay One med Business Central

Denne guide hjælper dig med at foretage alle nødvendige forberedelser i Business Central og derefter forbinde med Corpay Ones integration.

Opdateret for over en måned siden

💡 Corpay Ones integration til Business Central fungerer kun med Business Central udbudt af Inventio.it.

Hvad gør Corpay Ones integration til Business Central?

Corpay Ones integration til Business Central (herefter BC) synkroniserer automatisk alle vigtige data for dine bilag og betalinger til kassekladden i BC:

Før du sætter integrationen op

Før du begynder at sætte selve BC-integrationen op i Corpay One,

Before Smart NAV integration.

  1. Apply for a Roger account and follow the guide to Roger setup

  2. Open your Smart NAV client and select the company you want to integrate to

  3. Ad a new journal called Roger and setup the journal to match your NAV setup

  4. Make sure you have a vendor/company group called “Danmark" or NAV is setup to Inventio standard

5. Click on SMART panel and add Smart Bilag and smart API to your NAV account (this may add an additional fee to your NAV account)

Setup your smart Bilag by pressing setup and select the journal you want your Roger account to integrate to..

Setup NAV integration.

If you have an old Integration setup too Roger please delete the old Integration; and integrate once again.

  1. Choose the company you want to integrate to from the drop-down

Insert the REF ID from your NAV

Choose the journal from NAV you want Roger to integrate to (Roger)

Choose if you want to use general accounts or Cash management. Choose general journal if you don't use cash management

Insert the number from NAV you want your Payment methods to connect to.

Choose the custom list you want your receipts to be connected to and insert the ref number.

Click and activate to integrate your general journal.

  1. Save the integration.

  2. Close browser window to proceed working with Roger.

Testing your integration

  1. Press on integration and make sure your integration is active. There has to be a green dot in the lower right corner.

  2. Press settings and list. Make sure your general accounts had been imported and match the general accounts in your NAV..

  3. Send your first invoice to NAV. Select your category and press approve.

Vigtig information om skift af økonomisystem i Corpay One

Corpay One understøtter ikke opsætning af en ny integration til et nyt økonomisystem på en eksisterende konto. Hvis du skifter økonomisystem, skal du kontakte Corpay One Support via e-mail på Support@corpayone.com eller via chat.

Vær opmærksom på:

  • Et skift af økonomisystem kræver, at der oprettes en ny konto.

  • Corpay One Support vil hjælpe med at finde en medarbejder, der kan guide dig igennem processen.

Vi anbefaler, at du kontakter os, så vi kan sikre en smidig overgang.

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