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Advisor and Client Pricing Set Up
Updated over a year ago

Payment Method Set-Up

To begin navigate to the Advisor Dashboard. The first step is to set-up a payment method.

Without an Existing Subscription

If the account does not have an existing payment source, the Advisor Dashboard will have new tiles that help you get started. Click Add Payment Source.

This will take you to the Billing page where billing and payment information is managed.

With an Existing Subscription

If the account has an existing subscription and payment source, navigate directly to the Billing page located on the left navigation.

On the Billing page either add a new payment source or if one exists, it can be edited by clicking the manage payment button.

On the Billing page, click the Add Payment Source (or Manage Payment) button. This will open a model where you are asked to choose between a Bank Account or Credit Card as the payment method.

Follow the prompts to add the selected payment source. Once a payment source is added you will notice that the billing screen updates to show the current payment source and allows you to change the payment source.

Payment Option Set-Up for Advisor

All accounts are set to Pay As You Go by default. From the main Advisor account, go to the Billing page on the Advisor Dashboard. Use the Change Plan button to adjust which plan the Advisor account is on.

Client Set-Up

When setting up a new Client, the workflow now includes steps to pick who will pay for the Corpay One pricing plan and which plan the client will be on.

New Feature! The payer and plan can be changed from the Advisor dashboard. Click on a client to have the Client Information show on the right side of the screen.

Per the screen shot below the Client Information page displays who is the Payer and which Plan the client is on. Click the Change button to adjust the Payer or Plan.

Depending on when a plan is changed within the billing cycle, the change may go into effect at the start of the next billing cycle. A notification will display if this is the case. Billing cycles go from the 1st of the month to the last day of the month.

Client is Paying

In the case where the Client is paying for Corpay One, the payment source can be set up on the Billing page within the Client's Corpay One account. In the Client's account go to Settings > Billing.

Advisor is Paying

In the case where the Advisor is paying for Corpay One, the Client account does not have access to the billing page. The Client's plan can be managed from the Advisor Dashboard.

Payment History and Usage

Before you go, be sure to check out the Usage tab on the Billing page. The usage page offers quick access to all of the Corpay One invoices as well as monthly usage reports.

The summary usage report includes the volume of documents and payments made during the subscription period by Client (for all Clients the Advisor pays for). The detailed usage report includes all transactions that were billed during the subscription period.


  • Why didn't I get billed this month for my new client set up as a Flat Rate?

    • When new Clients are set up in Corpay One on or after the 15th of the month, the Flat Rate subscription is not included in the current month. Our team felt that the client is still onboarding and would not have the benefit of the month in Corpay One.

    • When new Clients are set up in Corpay One prior to the 15th of the month, the Flat Rate subscription will be billed at the end of the month and for every month there after

  • When is the Flat Rate subscription bills for my clients?

    • It is always billed at the end of the billing period.

  • I changed my account (or my Client's account) from Pay As You Go to Flat Rate, why didn't it update right away?

    • If a subscription is changed on or after the 15th of the month, the subscription change will take place at the start of the next billing period

    • If a subscription is changed before the 15th of the month, the subscription will be updated right away

    • This is true for going from Flat Rate to Pay As You Go as well.

  • If I change the Payer of the account from Client to Advisor mid subscription cycle will the Client still get a bill?

    • If the Client is set up as Pay As You Go, then any documents added or payments transaction fees made prior to the change will still be charged to the Client for that month.

      • Any documents added or payment transaction fees made after the change are charged to the Advisors account.

    • If the Client is set up as a Flat rate, then because the flat rate is charged at the end of the subscription period (end of month) then the payer at the time the bill is generated will be charged for the Flat rate.

  • What is the subscription billing period?

    • The subscription billing period runs from the 1st day of the month to the last day of the month for all Advisors and Clients.

    • Example, Aug 1st - Aug 31st, Sept 1st - Sept 30th etc.

    • When an account is made mid month, the initial billing period is based on the date the account is created through the end of that month.

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