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How to require approvals when editing vendor information
How to require approvals when editing vendor information
Updated over a year ago

What are Vendor Approvals in Corpay One?

Vendor Approvals in Corpay One allow you to require approval from an assigned user(s) when there is a change to an existing vendor profile in Corpay One, when a new vendor is created or when new documents are added that change a vendor’s information.

Some changes requiring approval include - an employee editing a vendor's information, like an email address; a vendor having new payment information on their latest invoice or information updating via your ERP system. Even manually added vendors can be regulated when you set up Vendor Approval rules.

Setting up Vendor Approval rules can help prevent unauthorized editing of vendor information – ultimately acting as a safeguard to help prevent accidental and intentional fraud.

1. Set up approval of vendor changes

To set up Vendor Approvals, you will navigate to Settings > Advanced > Vendors.

Here, you can choose which user(s) to assign as approvers for the Vendor Approvals feature.

Note: Only users holding an Administrator or Owner role can be set to approve changes - Contributors and Viewers do not have access to the Vendor tab.

2. Approving vendor changes

Once you have set up vendor approvals, the assigned users will be required to approve changes every time a vendor’s information is changed manually, via document scanning and when new vendors are created.

All pending approvals can be managed under Document Management > Vendors > Pending Approval.

3. Actions for pending approvals

For approvers, all pending vendor changes will be highlighted in green. You will have the option to approve these changes, which will update all pending and approved documents for that vendor.

Alternatively, you can reject the changes and keep the existing vendor information.

For new vendors that have been manually created, you will have the option to either accept or reject the addition of the new vendor.

For vendor additions and changes based on document scanning, you will have the option to either approve or reject the new vendor. However, if rejected, you will need to select an existing vendor to assign the scanned document to.

Note: All documents that are approved or pending approval will also be updated when vendor changes are made.

4. Handling vendor changes

Below the box that defines your approvers of vendor changes, you can also define how imported changes via integrations should be handled.

The 3 different handling options are:

"Pending changes must be approved first before imported changes can be added."

All changes for vendors where there are no pending change approvals will be added. For vendors with pending change approvals, the changes will not be imported and the pending change approvals will still need to be approved.

"Pending changes are deleted, and all imported changes are added."

All changes for vendors where there are no pending change approvals will be added. For vendors with pending change approvals, the changes will be imported, and the pending change approvals will be canceled.

Pending changes are deleted, and all imported changes are added for approval.

Approvals will be created for all imported changes to vendors where there are no pending approvals already. For vendors with existing pending changes, existing pending approvals will be overwritten with a new updated version of changes pending approval.

Note: Notifications for changes to vendor information are only supported via email and not via the notification center or mobile. For changes via import from third-party integrations and ERP systems, no notifications will be sent at all.

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