Payables allow you to manage and pay your vendor bills in Corpay One with Virtual Card. Follow the steps below to learn how to get started:
1. Setup an accounting system integration (optional)
Navigate to Settings > Integrations
Select your integration and connect to Corpay One
2. Adding Payables
If you chose to integrate your accounting system to Corpay One you can enable vendor's bills to import into Corpay One on the Vendors page. Once enabled, we'll import any new bills from the last 90 days or edited bills
When importing bills for your account system, if an attachment is not included we'll generate one for you
Alternatively you can manually add a Payable by clicking the New button in the top left and selecting Payable
Add an attachment (optional) and enter your bill details including amount, due date, etc.
Review your entered information and click the Add Payable button
If you didn't add an attachment, we'll generate an invoice for you
3. Paying your bill
Navigate to Vendor Payments > Payables
Locate the bill you'd like to pay, click the Action button, and select Pay now with virtual card
A review screen will be presented for you to double check the bill information is accurate. You can adjust your vendor's email address here, as well as add a note to them to indicate what this payment is for (e.g. invoice or reference numbers). Once ready, click the green Confirm & issue button
You'll be able to track the status of your bill as it processes through to your vendor completing payment.
4. Vendor's Experience
Your vendor will receive an email with details including:
Card number, CVV code, and expiration date
Who the payment is from
The memo you entered
The payment amount
Your vendor can process their virtual card in their Point of Sale system
Your vendor will get reminder emails once a week until the virtual card is processed.
Need help? Chat with us in-app or send an email to and we’ll assist.